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Parking lot in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+1Posted:2016-08-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: car parkparkparking areaSimilar words: parkingthe working classsparksingleseeminglysingle outclothingblottingMeaning: n. a lot where cars are parked. 
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31. Through the hydraulic doors, I could see the lush green lawn that stretched languidly across an immense parking lot.
32. Only afterward, on the hike back to the parking lot, did I begin to feel the sting of Red Disaster.
33. She should be declared a public nuisance and paved over for a parking lot.
34. He disappeared from a parking lot while waiting for a Mafia contact, from where flashbacks of his past are reconstructed.
35. He loitered in the parking lot, pleasantly bemused by the coquettish chatter of juniors who courted him.
36. I took Janir from her and we headed away from the court, across the grass toward the parking lot.
37. Out the window, the last bit of sunlight mixed it up with the lights from the parking lot.
38. She hung up and watched a young woman in a tailored suit come in from the parking lot pushing a cart.
39. Then they paved the parking lot and built a pedestrian bridge over the river upstream from the falls.
40. A free bus service will be provided from the parking lot at the train station.
41. He drove the motor scooter through the school playground and then to the Presbyterian parking lot.
42. That afternoon in the grocery store parking lot I saw a man unloading frozen turkeys from a refrigerator truck.
43. The site, needed for a parking lot, was entombed without being excavated.
44. It includes handling their reception at the station, airport or parking lot.
45. This prime site in the heart of the capital used to be a parking lot.
46. I found a wallet full of cash and credit cards in the parking lot.
47. Owl Lodge has fine glowing orange owl standing sentinel above the parking lot.
47. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
48. As we return to the school we cut across the large paved parking lot and head for the back entrance.
49. Fontaine cast his gaze out into the parking lot for a few minutes.
50. The church requested a variance to expand its parking lot.
51. I walked back to my office building and retrieved my car from the parking lot without going upstairs.
52. The roughest road they will likely encounter is a parking lot studded with speed bumps.
53. The blue hatchback was briefly searched in the parking lot, and then towed away by authorities.
54. The first step as you approach the checkpoint is to park your car in the parking lot on the north side.
55. After an hour or so the Carpettes still linger in the parking lot as the coach doors slam shut.
56. The parking lot in front of the dormitory was always full.
57. The mourners stood in a circle on the sand, three hundred yards down from the parking lot.
58. Most of the stores and much of the parking lot are under construction.
59. The car was later found parked on a back parking lot of the complex.
60. After some reconnoitring he found what he wanted: an unattended taxi on a parking lot screened by buildings.
More similar words: parkingthe working classsparksingleseeminglysingle outclothingblottingfuckingbankingmilkingkingdomstrikingincreasinglysurprisinglymarketingunrelentinglysomething likeparentingglobegloveglobalglowerlotlotsslotplotangleballotpilot
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